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6 Tips for Making Mornings Easier

Getting kids up early in the morning and ready for the day is a hassle many parents around the world have to deal with. It can be stressful and sometimes a disaster. Establishing a routine and sticking with it is the key to easy and happy mornings. Below are some tips parents can implement to help make mornings go off without a hitch.

Make Sure Everyone is Well Rested

The most important tip for ensuring a good morning is making sure everyone gets a good night’s rest. Have your kids go to bed early enough to get the recommended amount of sleep for health and wellness. To make getting your kids into bed easier, establish a routine before calling it a night. Include activities such as a bath, reading a book or snuggling. Give your kids time to unwind before getting into bed.

Prepare the Night Before

After a good night of sleep, the mornings can be much easier if there are fewer responsibilities to take care of. Get everything ready for the morning the night before. Have lunches packed, backpacks ready to go, homework completed and outfits picked out. Kids are often miserable when they don’t like the clothes they have to wear all day. Let them help you pick out an outfit and be sure all of the items are comfortable. Even the socks need to be comfy to wear; kids love socks that are seamless and soft so they don’t bother them all day. The more your children feel comfortable in their clothes, the more likely they are to get dressed with minimal fuss.

Wake Up Before Your Kids

It is much easier as a parent to wake your kids up and prepare them for the day when you are already awake and prepared yourself. Get up at least 15 to 30 minutes before your kids need to get up. This can allow you time to drink coffee, get yourself showered, dressed and mentally prepared for the day. Just like with kids, adults can benefit greatly from a routine to follow.

Eat Healthy Breakfast

Most kids wake up already hungry. One of the first things you should allow your kids to do is enjoy a healthy breakfast and fill their stomachs. In addition to making mornings easier, a nutritious breakfast can give your kids the energy they need to re-fuel and be better prepared to take on the day. Studies have proven that kids who eat healthy breakfasts are more likely to be healthier and physically active.

Create a Morning Routine Chart

A morning chart to follow can help all family members get everything accomplished easier and will lessen the chance of forgetting something important before heading out. Encourage your child to take charge of their responsibilities each morning without having to tell them. Consider adding things to your chart such as:

  • Washing face
  • Eating breakfast
  • Combing hair
  • Getting backpack ready
  • Brushing teeth
  • Getting dressed/Putting shoes on

Remain Calm

Your kids will sense when you are rushing or panicked during the mornings. If you follow these mentioned tips, the atmosphere should be able to remain in a calm state. Kids often mirror the tone and actions of their parents. The more relaxed and diligent you are about getting ready in the morning, the better the chance of them following suit. Try to place focus on your attitude, and keep it as positive as possible. If you do get frazzled, explain to your kids why you are feeling the way you are, and ask them for help by taking ownership of their specific tasks.

Photo by jonas mohamadi from Pexels

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