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9 Shrubs You Should Add To Your Garden And Why

Plants are the foundation of any garden. And, in most cases, the more variety you have, the better. 

But which shrubs work best when you want to create a beautiful space? Let’s take a look at some of your options and why they work. 


Photo by Henrique Ferreira

Roses are essentially flowering shrubs. And because of their lineage, they tend to be quite robust, particularly in colder climates. 

Roses are a great addition to any garden or yard because they bloom most of the year. Flowers start budding in the early spring and can persist all winter if temperatures stay sufficiently mild. 


Another option is Mandevilla. This flower is a little unusual but works perfectly for patios or front gardens. What’s nice about it is how moist it remains, even at the peak of summer. Plants bloom from around June time, right at the start of summer, all the way to the first frost, usually in December. And while they will eventually die back for the winter, they can return the next year. 

If you plant them, make sure that the soil isn’t too acidic and has some shade. Keep soil moist throughout the year to help it thrive. 


Also called “fan flowers,” these are a great shrub addition if you want to add large areas of color to your outdoor spaces. Plants tend to spread out along the ground and produce a prodigious quantity of buds, all of which will eventually bloom. 

Unfortunately, Scaevola can be a little temperamental. Flowers will stop blooming if nighttime temperatures fall below about 60 F, so you’ll need to be careful. Ideally, people who grow this plant should live in climates that are warm in the autumn and spring months. 

If you live in a colder area, start planting at the end of spring so that the shrub has plenty of time to grow and develop in the summer. If it matures enough, it should survive until the following season. 


Cuphea is a beautiful purple-flowering plant with tube-like flowers. It starts blooming in late spring and then continues to do so until the first frost, making it another great choice for outdoor areas. 

If you visit Coconut Grove Landscape Design you can see how landscapers use a range of shrubs and plants to add a sense of balance to outdoor spaces. Cuphea is a good addition because it attracts hummingbirds and other pollinators to your yard, improving the local ecosystem. 

Blue Star Juniper

Blue star juniper is another option that’s particularly suitable for anyone who lives in a cold climate with long winters. This blue-needled evergreen shrub has attractive, silvery foliage and is highly resistant to drought. It generally grows to around three feet and it’ll keep your garden looking good, even in the depths of winter. 

Elegantissima Red Twig

While it might have a long name, elegantissima red twig is actually one of the best plants to include in your backyard. 

Why? It all comes down to its unique berries and how it changes color in the fall. This shrub is a really good reminder that the seasons are changing. 

What’s more, it seems to be robust to climate change. While other cultivars struggle in new climates, the red twig seems to be able to just keep going, which is quite remarkable for such a small plant. 

Common Lilacs

If you want to add a fresh aroma to your garden, then the common lilac is a great option. This shrub is one of the best around for adding a beautiful ambiance to your outdoor spaces. 

Ideally, you should grow this shrub in elevated areas as it requires good drainage. You also need to water it consistently if you want it to survive more than a couple of months. Add a layer of mulch, too, after planting if your garden is prone to weeds. 


For those wanting to add as much color to their yards as possible with minimal effort, marigolds are a great option. They’re bright, don’t need much attention, and can even survive drought early in the season. 

The best place to put them is in your pot planters. However, they also work well elsewhere, including in pot planters. 

When you water them, do so thoroughly. Marigolds respond well to a good drenching. 


Photo by Abdul Zreika

Lastly, if you have the climate for it consider planting fuschia. These stunning plants grow in either full shade or sun and can grow profusely. However, you’ll need to ensure that you water the ground adequately. 

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