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Oh hey, how are you? I’m Sheena. Nice to meet you. Are you an Instagram addict? How about Pinterest? Let’s be friends here and here. I’m a free-spirited mama, dreamer, and overall hippie at heart. While I’m on a mission to be the crunchiest mama’s of them all, I’m only human and I stumble. Sometimes my kids eat chicken nuggets and we use paper plates. No airs here. I live in Northwest Indiana / Chicagoland with my husband, boys (Jayden: 16yrs / Jaxon: 11yrs) and babygirl (Akilah: 8yrs) who was born with Cranio Frontonasal Dysplasia. My husband and I met in junior high and we’ve been inseparable ever since.

I traded a life of angst and uncertainty to become a mompreneur to our three tiny humans. Truth is, I still deal with angst and uncertainty only with age, I’ve been able to trust my intuition and find comfort in my NOW. That said, I’m working on defining my fullest self or going back to the basics and remembering who I was before the world told me who I was supposed to be, rather. I’m only human and I’m learning to find zen in being just that…

I’m fiercely dedicated to my family and obsessed with anything that contributes to conscious living. I love getting lost in Wellness, Minimalism, DIY projects, Boho Style, and Travel. These are the topics I love sharing here at Iriemade (formally Sophistishe). I’m here because at my best, I love what I do. And I want to encourage you to do the same, too. Live your best lives amidst trials and triumphs by crafting a home, making memories, and enjoying life within modest means. Nothing is as far as it seems.
Thanks for visiting my lil’ corner of the internet. I’m happy that you’re here.

#DisneyKids Preschool Event 2016
Accolades & Stuff
- In 2014, I earned a $10,000 grant for my local playground through the 30 Green Days With SC Johnson campaign.
- I was featured on The Root in 10 Black Mom Bloggers You Should Know.
- I was a part of the Walmart Moms ambassador program 2008-2016.
How long have you been blogging?
I’ve been blogging for a LONG TIME; 22 years. I’ve blogged full-time as a content creator for 12 years.
Why did you rebrand from Sophistishe to Iriemade?
After becoming completely unhappy with my blog and burning out which contributed to a personal rough patch, it was time for me to rebrand to a name that reflected my life/style/mantra. In order for me to show up here, the content that I create and the process must be in harmony with my personal life. In other words, I was blogging to live (because, bills) instead of living to blog. And it sucked.
Do you attend conferences and events?
There was a time when I accepted every opportunity to travel for my blog. I quickly realized that I didn’t have to wear myself out trying to be everywhere in order to earn what I needed to support my family. I’ve attended BlogHer, BlogHer Food, Mom 2.0, and SxSW as well as press events with Disney, General Mills, Dyson, Verizon, Wilton, America I Am, and Walmart. I’m open to attending more. 🙂
What are some of your favorite baby products?
Here’s a list.
Where do you get all of your natural and crunchy stuff from?
Vitacost and Amazon
I want to start a blog. How do I start?
How to Start a Blog for $20 or Less
I aim to provide unbiased editorials. However, I wish to disclose that (i) I sometimes receive free products from marketers that we sometimes review or discuss in our editorials, and (ii) I may run advertisements on my site concerning some of those products or companies that sell them (and other products sold by such companies) for which we sometimes receive compensation.