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Are you prepared for back to allergy season?


Summer is waning down and back to school season is in full swing. We’ve prepared for the new season by doing the typical shopping for essentials. You know; school supplies, swanky new outfits, backpack and lunch accessories. We’ve also made sure to re-stock our medicine cabinet for optimal health. Thankfully we don’t get sick often, but we do deal with the effects of allergies on a regular basis.

Jayden, has seasonal and indoor allergies that sometimes leave him feeling a bit under the weather. With school back in session, we absolutely can’t have any of that!

With any kind of illness, we take action to nip it in the bud immediately. Since allergies are a recurring condition, it becomes even more pertinent to treat them fast and effectively… because who wants to feel crummy more often than they have to, right?

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This post is part of a sponsored collaboration between Sophistishe, SheKnows, and Claritin.

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