A few months ago, I let you all in on one of my most deepest and darkest fears. And while some people have cute fears like spiders, I’m scared of losing my teeth. Terrified. Right up there next to public speaking terrified. So as terrified as I am of losing my teeth, you’d think that I’d brush, floss, and rinse with mouthwash excessively… but I don’t and I haven’t been to the dentist in about 7 years.
I need to do better and I need to set an example for Jayden. When I was a little girl, I had quite a few of fillings put in. I’m sure I could have taken better care of my teeth and for whatever reason, I just didn’t. And now, I have to live with them each time I open my mouth up wide. Sure it’s not the end of the world, but I’m not sure if I’ll have to have those teeth worked on later on down the line. Jayden will be 4 (OMG) in April and kids start loosing their baby teeth as early as 4. As we prepare for those permanent teeth to start growing in, we want to make sure that we help him step up his oral hygiene. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, 50% of children will have a cavity or filling between the ages of 5 and 9. I am not happy with that percentage, but I can take the necessary steps to prevent Jayden from falling into that 50%. I understand that some children just have bad teeth no matter the preventative care, so I am in no way pointing fingers.
To make sure Jayden’s teeth are brushed effectively, he uses a motorized toothbrush. We feel the spinning brush cleans better combined with normal brushing movements. The vibrations also help loosen any food particles. Brushing teeth alone misses about 75 of the mouth, leaving millions of germs behind.* That is why it’s important to followup with flossing and a mouth rinse… children too. Because children’s teeth sometimes have the tendency to grow close together, Jayden’s dentist recommended flossing. The average age is about 6, but children with tight spaces in between their teeth are also encouraged to do so.
At the time of Jayden’s visit, he had just turned 3. For some reason the dentist kept thinking he was 4 because of the structure of his teeth. They did grow in pretty quickly. His period of teething was very short. Anyway. Since I can barely floss myself, I knew that trying to assist Jayden with flossing would not be pretty. Greg and I use a Waterpik flosser that has been a lifesaver, so much so, we got Jayden his very own. The only thing is, he needs to use it more. He has a thing about water being in his face, so it’s something that we’re working on as well as introducing him to an anti-cavity mouth wash.
Together as a family we will be taking an Oral Care Challenge of sorts, brushing, flossing, and rinsing for optimum oral health. I’ll let you all know how it goes. Stay tuned…
Photos are from different time periods. Just taking a walk down memory lane :).
I received products and compensation from Johnson & Johnson and The Motherhood as part of my participation in the Oral Care Challenge. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are my own.
* Facts provided by New York-based dentist, John E. Dodes.
Sunday 26th of February 2012
Hey Sheena!
I just stumbled upon your site today, fell in love, and have already done the RSS thing.
I am the same way about teeth! I used to be so adamant about taking care of them, and now I'm just... not. :( I have to get better. But your post DID remind me that I have a dental appointment next week, so thanks for that. ;)
I'll be back.
Thursday 23rd of February 2012
I'm terrified of losing my teeth too. Your teeth are beautiful! I have 5 kid lets and trying to get them to all brush and floss isn't easy.....and I hate taking them to the dentist and hearing they have cavities when they do. (we've only gone to the dentist ONCE when all have been cavity free). Once their permanent teeth come in we always have their molars sealed.
Wednesday 22nd of February 2012
I hear you on the fear of losing teeth thing! I had four cavities as a child. Having them all fixed at once, with loads of needles and drilling, set me straight on brushing and flossing REAL quick. Then, when I was 20, one of the cavities fell out, and that tooth chipped. Ugh. Got it fixed a few months later. It chipped AGAIN, a little more, two years ago, presumably due to a crappy cavity fix & possibly being slightly deficient in calcium/vitamin D (I had just had gastric bypass three months prior, and wasn't yet "up to snuff" with my vitamins). I got it fixed, and all is well, but every little bit I have dreams where one or more of my teeth has crumbled and fallen out. :(
Yay for good dental habits! Like you, I'm drilling (no pun intended) it into my kids' heads that good dental habits are crucial.