Disney’s Magic Kingdom is an American icon. At 107 acres, the park is huge! Not everyone can spend an entire week at Magic Kingdom, and it may not be in the budget to come back every year. So making the best of your time is key. So the question is, can you really do Magic Kingdom in two days?
Why yes you certainly can. Here’s how you can do Disney’s Magic Kingdom in 2 Days and make the best of your trip without fear of missing out.

When you rush to the park and forget to adjust the stroller.
Map out your route before you arrive and make sure they coincide with your fast pass reservations so you aren’t running all over the park. Maps are everywhere. You can download them, get them at resorts and access a live map via the My Disney Experience mobile app. Both paper and digital maps come in handy.
Book your fast passes aka FastPass+ early. Reload them at noon or as you use up the other passes. FastPass+ allows you to make a reservation to ride Disney attractions. You can make your selections as early as 60 days prior to your check-in date.
Use down time wisely. Do you need a 30 minute break to relax and recoup? Kids need to get their wiggles out? Visit the Dumbo splash pad where they have a play area for kids complete with buzzers for when it is your time to head on the ride, and most importantly, a seating area for tired parents.
Pack food and snacks and snack while in line. Not only will packing your own food save you a ton of money, it will save you time from waiting in line to order food and then to sit down to eat. You could also schedule meals around downtime then you get a two in one.
Arrive early and stay ALL DAY. One parent can take the kids on a ride while one recharges with a few minutes of shut eye in the shade, then switcheroo! Do I advise this? Personally, nah. But if your family is high-energy and can hang then why not?
Catch the fireworks on day one. On day two, get a little bit of a later start, especially if they have late hours. Since you already saw the fireworks, you can catch more rides while everyone else is watching them! Score!
Pass up the slow pokes. Casually pass those strolling along to get in line. If you do this with each ride, you’ll save yourself some time and get a few more rides in that day. Don’t cut people y’all, just quickly make your way to the line when you spot a ride of interest. This is when older kids come in handy as they can run ahead and snag a spot for the family. It makes the lines shorter for you, and you get more rides and character experiences out of your day.

I wanna get back on Pooooh!
Split up the group. Remember every ride won’t be for everyone depending on age and interest, so don’t be afraid to split up the group. There’s nothing worse than a grumpy kid waiting in line for a ride they don’t want to get on. Instead, one adult can go with kids who are excited about the race cars again, while the other adult and kid heads to another area which may not be as fun for the race car enthusiast.

See ya suckaaas!
Do Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique at Disney Springs. If you’re planning to treat your kiddos to this experience, consider booking at the Disney Springs location. You can go the day before you hit the park so the kids can step into the park with their fresh ‘dos. The boutique in the park requires about an hour of time from start to finish and is usually more crowded. The Disney Springs location is less chaotic and also larger. You can knock out so many rides in an hour span so it may be smarter dedicate time at the park on rides and characters.
In the end, your time in Magic Kingdom is what you make of it! If you need to repeat positive mantras to stay chipper, then do it! Even if your feet are tired and you don’t make it to everything on your list, remember to remain grateful knowing you’ll have so many memories. The memories are what make it totally worth the exhaustion! Phew! *smile*
Wednesday 5th of December 2018
I totally agree, the Magic Kingdom is easy to conquer in two days. One of the coolest experience we had at the Magic Kingdom was getting my youngest baby's first haircut here.
Monday 23rd of April 2018
I really love your adorable family. I am actually going to Disney myself soon this summer so I would like to see how much I can get done in two days!
Sheena Tatum
Thursday 3rd of May 2018
Aw thanks! You'd def be able to cover a lot if you plan to travel without small kiddos. Enjoy!
Mimi Green
Monday 23rd of April 2018
You guys really go it in. I haven't been to Magic Kingdom in 8 years. I need to take my 6-year-old. She is all about the princess magic. The way the price of tickets are set up we would have to get it all in at one time.
Sheena Tatum
Thursday 3rd of May 2018
Exactly! The prices will have you running around like a headless chicken if you don't go without a plan, lol!
Tanya Barnett
Monday 23rd of April 2018
I remember those days with my kiddos. They loved Magic Kingdom!
Sunday 22nd of April 2018
These are perfect tips for Magic Kingdom. My kids are older so we did it in one day and they were fine with all they saw and did. Epcot is our favorite of all the parks at there current age.