This post was originally posted on a blog (7/28/11) that may be going away soon, so I wanted to make sure it had a place to stay :). Jayden will be FOUR this month and he’s still Boogie.
I, Sheena, and husband, Greg, are addicted to calling our son, Jayden, “Boogie”. And people probably think we are nuts for doing so.
I’m not sure how the whole “Boogie” calling started exactly. I’d say it started around the time of one of his first well visits. Our pediatrician at the time was so compassionate. Hate that we moved away. She called him “a cute little booger” and for some odd reason, that moment would replay over and over in my head. I started calling him “Boogie”. We started calling him “Boogie”. And the name fit him in a “Boogie” sort of way. My husband would beg to differ on the origin of “Boogie”, but I’m tellin’ it like I remember .
As Jayden got older, we continued calling him “Boogie” all. of. the. time. In fact, I would call him “Jay Boogie” and “Boogie Shoogie”. Calling him Jayden didn’t even sound right. How? “Boogie” just resonated with us. We really are weird, huh? We realized that we would eventually have to do something about this before he started to think his name actually was “Boogie”. We taught him his name, but we continue to call him “Boogie”. Around other parents who address their children as their actual names, and Boogie as “Jayden”, I feel kind of silly. That ounce of caring-what-everyone-else-thinks kicks in. But how can I shake “Boogie”? I just can’t.
While having a conversation about kids nicknames, Yakini said, “he’ll be Boogie until he’s a grown man or until he becomes a teen and puts his foot down”. But will we have that long? He’s already wiping our kisses off (cue the violins, no seriously cue them).
He’s no longer an infant, but a little mature toddler with his big boy swag and ‘tude, in a “Boogie” sort of way.
Do your kids have nicknames that are hard to give up?
Tuesday 10th of April 2012
Both of my children have nicknames and I still call them by 'em. Addison's nicknames Boo, Boo-Bear or Addie & Ethan's nicknames are Beauford or E. I don't think there is anything wrong with giving your children nicknames and continuing to call them by that name. I also don't see anything wrong with Boogie! :) It's cute!
Thursday 5th of April 2012
I think your boy has a cute nickname and I think it is cool that he even has one. My boy is plain ole William or Will. We call Chardonnay Chardie or Char and Briahnna Brie or Brie Brie. As always, I will forever be Bawbi :-)
Can't believe your boy will be joining the 4 year old club soon! *sniff*
Baby Making Mama
Wednesday 4th of April 2012
Awww. I love his nickname. And he's so so sooooo cute! He and my Jay need to meet!!
Wednesday 4th of April 2012
Oh lord, he is SOOO cute! As I type this, Jude is actually in that same exersaucer that Boogie is in.
I think I'm going to regret calling Jude "Nummies"--named because he has such a fondness for my boobies. Sheesh!
Wednesday 4th of April 2012
Oh my goodness he is quite the little man. We've gone through so many nicknames for Zion….Puffy Nuffins, Mini-Pooh-Bear, Cupcake Treasure, lol. Boogie is cute imho!
Wednesday 4th of April 2012
I started calling my daughter Toogaloo when she was a baby. Through the years it got shortened to Toog...she is now 25 and still Toog to me. I still sing You are my Toogaloo to her (in the tune to You are my Sunshine). Never too old for an endearment. By the way, I am 45 and they still call me Baby Shelli.