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Halloween Decor / Paper Plate Candy Corn Banner

As mentioned in my last Halloween decor post, I try not to shop the Halloween aisle unless I’m looking for something specific such as quality Halloween costumes for the family. I’m also learning how to make my own decorations. Construction paper and card stock have become my besties this year. I did, however, grab these little guys on a recent trip to Walmart. I also couldn’t resist grabbing a vinyl pumpkin chalkboard. In the age of chalkboard everything, I had to have it. The chalkboard was $2.97, the owl plush was $5.97, and the door hanger was $4.97. It had a bell attached, but I removed it before it could end up in Jaxon’s mouth.


To dress up the pumpkin chalkboard, Jayden and I made a candy corn banner. It’s a simple little craft to get the kids involved and it adds a tons of Halloween cheer to any room.



Paper plates
Orange and yellow washable paint
Hole puncher



Use the pattern on the plate as a guide to even circles. Paint the outside of the plate orange, the inner portion yellow. Be careful not to smear the paint into each other. Of course there’s room for creativity. You can use alternate colors as well. Jayden wanted to color the outside of his plate yellow and the inner portion, orange.

Cut the plate in eighths to resemble candy corn. Using a hole puncher, cut holes in candy corn pieces and thread with twine. Hang and enjoy!

This craft was super easy to do and it looks great above Jayden’s desk. He’s so proud of it and that’s what matters most.


More Halloween Crafts To Enjoy!


Glow in the Dark Garland

Fall Pumpkin Planter

Fall Pumpkin Planter

As a participant in the Walmart Moms Program, I’ve received compensation for my time and efforts in creating this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Susanna K.

Friday 25th of October 2013

I love the pumpkin chalkboard! Putting up our Halloween decorations this weekend, so I'm looking for good ideas.

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