Hearing loss is a condition that can affect people of all ages. Misdiagnosis is a common problem with hearing loss, and the underlying cause may be something other than age-related hearing impairment.
It’s common for children and adults to have difficulty understanding speech in noisy environments or on the phone. In this blog post, you’ll learn more about how your healthcare provider might diagnose hearing loss, as well as what treatment options are available for those who need them.
What is Hearing Loss?
Hearing loss is known as a reduction in hearing sensitivity or ability to hear. The degree of hearing loss can range from mild cases, which are not noticeable, all the way up to total deafness, where everything sounds muffled and unclear. Hearing aids help with some degrees of hearing loss but don’t work for those who have gone completely deaf.
What Causes Hearing Loss?
Hearing loss can be because of various factors, including heredity, aging, chronic ear infections, exposure to loud noises over time, and menopause.
The most common cause for hearing loss is age-related or presbycusis. However, it’s not only the elderly who are affected; it gradually occurs as anyone ages (and after 50 years of age). Too much noise from things like power tools in an industrial setting may also affect your ability to hear correctly.
In many cases, you become deafer during sleep when your ears rest, which makes sense since you don’t want any external sounds coming into your body while asleep so that nothing disturbs the healing process. After all, if something terrible were happening outside your body, then you should hear it.
Some diseases can also cause hearing loss, such as Ménière’s disease and otosclerosis or both. Ototoxic drugs are a common cause of temporary hearing loss, but the damage is permanent in some cases. Acoustic trauma (damage from loud noises) may also lead to temporary or long-term hearing problems. Still, this type of injury usually occurs when you expose your ears to sounds at 140 dB or greater for an extended period.
However, it isn’t always easy to determine the sound levels since sound travels differently depending on what material surrounds it, like air versus water, so there needs to be more research before knowing how many decibels would count towards acoustic trauma.
What are the Types of Hearing Loss?
There are two main types of hearing loss: conductive and sensorineural. Conductive hearing loss occurs when there is a sound transmission issue from outside to inside your ear, like a buildup of wax or fluid in the middle ear.
Sensorineural hearing loss is due to a problem with the inner ear or auditory nerve. This type of hearing loss may be present at birth, but it can also develop as you age due to certain illnesses and noise exposure.
There are many types of sensorineural hearing losses, including:
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
It is the most common type of sensorineural hearing loss and occurs when prolonged exposure to loud noises damages the cochlea or auditory nerve. It can happen in any profession where workers are exposed to loud noise, from power tools on a construction site to motorcycles with no protection for your ears while riding.
These are sensorineural hearing losses after age 65 because aging affects how your brains’ hair cells process sound waves. For many people, presbycusis doesn’t impact their everyday lives much. Still, it may make them more sensitive to higher frequency sounds, resulting in difficulty understanding and listening to anything if there isn’t background noise present.
How Can You Treat Hearing Loss?
There are many treatment options available depending on the severity and cause. For example, some individuals might only require high-tech headphones that amplify sounds for people with milder forms of hearing loss due to age. On the other hand, individuals with more severe hearing loss might require a device that produces vibrations in the inner ear to regulate the sound waves travelling through it.
The severity of your hearing loss will determine which treatment is best for you. An audiologist (hearing health professional), otolaryngologist or another physician can help you with the correct diagnosis and treatment plan. Book your audiologist appointment today. You will be surprised at the ease with which you will prepare for your audiology appointment; it is an easy and non-invasive process that seeks to help you in the best way.
Hearing aids are also available and improve quality of life by reducing stress, anxiety, depression and overall difficulty associated with everyday tasks like communication – all these at a reasonable price!
Some people find that less expensive options work just as well as their higher-priced counterparts, so don’t be afraid to go shopping around before deciding on one.
If you’re experiencing any symptoms of hearing loss, it’s essential to visit your doctor and have them evaluate the severity. That way, you can get on the treatment path that is best for your needs.
The sooner you start treatment for your hearing loss, the better. Early detection is critical as prevention can help preserve cognitive function.
How Can You Prevent Hearing Loss?
If you want to prevent hearing loss, some simple ways will suffice. One way is by avoiding loud noises for extended periods, primarily through headphones or earbuds. It’s essential to avoid these things at work and when going on vacation and spending the day around lakes, beaches, and other recreational areas where people can be exposed to dangerous levels of noise pollution if they’re unaware or uncaring about it.
Another thing you should do is try and limit how much alcohol consumption you have per week and smoking cigarettes (or anything else for that matter) because both habits relate to hearing damage in previous studies. Finally, make sure your head isn’t touching any speakers while listening to music and change the volume to a safe level.
In conclusion, hearing loss is a significant problem. However, it can lead to many other issues like social isolation. Hearing aids, amplification devices, and cochlear implants are options, but they all have their pros and cons.
If you think that hearing aid usage would benefit your lifestyle or if you need help finding out which type of device might work best for you, then see an audiologist as soon as possible because untreated hearing loss can worsen over time.