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How To Avoid The Guilt Of Leaving Your Pet Alone

Photo: PicsbyFran

If you often feel a tug on your heart whenever you leave your pet alone at home, you aren’t alone. Statistics show that 80% of people with pets feel the same way. It is a natural human response before and after leaving a loved one. This emotion can be more pronounced when leaving pets alone and unattended for a period of absence. Fortunately, there are interventions, tricks, and measures to lower or prevent these guilty feelings. Some of these also eliminate stress tendencies in your pets. Here are some helpful suggestions.

  1. Install a pet cam

When you’re away from home, hundreds of questions may be going around in your mind, which will be primarily centered on the pet you left at home. Are they ok? Is the dog making a meal of your favorite shoes or taking a bathroom break on your carpet? These questions are indications of uncertainty, internal conflict, and a wish to return home as soon as possible. All these can be resolved with the help of technology. Pet cams provide a sense of security for owners who are away from home.

It helps calm nerves and, more importantly, provides real-time feedback on what pets might be doing in those hours they are left unattended. Before purchasing a pet cam, it’s important to know the distinguishing features. For instance, a one with a two-way talk feature allows you to speak to your canine or feline friends to remember basic orders. If your dog is tearing into a throw pillow, this feature will greatly help. Other features include remote viewing, motion detection, pan, view, and zoom options.

  1. Bring them to pet daycare

Dog boarding may be the best solution for pet owners who cannot stand the idea of leaving their canine friends alone. These facilities are set up to be a safe environment for pets that need care while their owners are away. They offer relief and comfort, knowing that your pets are not alone. These pet daycare centers teach your animal companion how to tolerate and be gentle with other animals.

Moreover, several of these facilities have staff well-trained in modern pet care and can provide insight into your pet’s temperament in social settings. Although you wouldn’t be there all through, the feedback from attendants and carers will give you an idea of your pet’s unknown behaviors.

  1. Start pet independence training early

This is helpful when your pet is still young and at a stage where it can be molded to adopt useful behaviors. Independence training is about teaching your pet to learn to be on its own for longer periods. It is advisable to start with shorter absences and gradually increase the hours until your pet is comfortable. The whole point is to desensitize your pet early on to your presence at home or otherwise. According to dog trainers, this technique eliminates separation anxiety for these pets.

A report on the website stated that most pet owners feel guilty because of their dogs’ reactions. Whining, whimpering, and soft barks make dog owners feel guilty when leaving home. Conversely, cats may meow excessively, overgroom, have flattened ears, and look at their owners with wide eyes and dilated pupils. Fortunately, with early training centered on independence, you will feel less guilty leaving them alone.

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