Children grow up fast. Although this is something that you’ve probably heard countless times before, once you start to experience parenthood yourself, you’ll realize that it’s completely true. It seems as though it takes just a few moments for them to go from newborns to toddlers, to children to teenagers, and then they’re off, living their own lives.
To slow things down a little, or at least to give you a chance to look back and remember more in the whirlwind that is your child growing up, it’s a good idea to make as many memories as possible. With this in mind, here are some ways to create memories to look back on whenever you want to—you’ll be glad you did as the years go by.
A Framed Baby Handprint
A gorgeous way to keep a memory is to make a baby handprint and frame it. You can see exactly how tiny your child’s hand was when they were born, and compare it to them as they grow. You might even want to do a new handprint every year, on their birthday perhaps, to keep a record of their growth and development. This can be hung on the wall so you can look at it whenever you want to. Why not make copies and give them to relatives at Christmas? They’ll love such a thoughtful gift.
A Memory Quilt
Babies and even older children quickly grow out of their clothes, but, if you want to keep them, you might not have a lot of space to do so. The answer is a memory quilt. You can take smaller pieces of their onesies, blankets, hats, cute outfits, and so on, and sew them together to make a fabulous blanket that you can pass down to your children when they’re older and maybe have children of their own.
This is something that you can keep adding to whenever you want to, and as soon as they’ve grown out of a particular favorite piece of clothing, you can add it to the blanket quickly and easily.
One of the easiest things you can do to create memories to keep forever is to make a scrapbook. There doesn’t have to be a theme to the book; you can put anything in it that makes sense to you, such as the newspaper birth announcement, their first drawing, the label from the oatmeal they liked when they were just starting on solid food, and so much more. You can even put the results from the early gender test you took.
Again, this is something you can keep adding to over the years, and by the time it’s full, you’ll have a souvenir from every part of their lives, no matter how small it might be.
Height Wall
A height wall is something that you’ll see in a lot of homes, and it’s a lovely idea that can show you just how tall your child is getting at regular intervals. Measure them on their birthday each year, and you’ll soon have a lovely memory right in the fabric of your home.
You can decorate this height wall in any way you want, or you can leave it plain depending on what you prefer.