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How To Help A Friend That’s Struggling With Their Mental Health

If you have a friend that is struggling with mental health it can be difficult knowing what to do to help them. As a friend, you can feel it’s your duty to help them out of a tricky situation and in a lot of cases there are many things you can do to help alleviate the way you are feeling. Do keep in mind that if they are struggling to an extreme level and it is beyond what you can help with, that it might be worth referring them to a professional. In this article we take a look at some top tips to help a friend that might be struggling with their mental health.

Photo by Antoni Shkraba from Pexels

Encourage them to talk to you 

If you have a friend that is struggling with their mental health, you should encourage them to speak to you about how they’re feeling. It can be difficult for them to open up, but once they do, they will feel much better about it. Sometimes all they might need is a cup of coffee and a shoulder to cry on or let their feelings out and they can process why they might be feeling a certain way. You can offer advice, support and let them know that their feelings are valid and that you are there for them no matter what. You could suggest they see a therapist or other professional if they are really struggling, but let them know you’re there every step of the way. 

Help them find things to do that they enjoy and can take their mind off it 

If your friend is struggling with their mental health, it can help them to find a purpose and a distraction. You can encourage them to start something up with you such as a sports club or an art class which can give them another outlet for their focus. By doing something together like this, it can also give them better opportunities for them to open up and talk to you without it feeling a bit more formal. You could try something designed to help with your mental health such as a yoga class or meditation.

Suggest alternative methods

As well as finding a new hobby for your friend to get invested in to try and help their mental health, you could suggest alternative methods. One such example is for them to try Kush Burst gummies. These are made from CBD and are completely vegan. They’re designed to help relax the mind and to make you feel better and less anxious and depressed. 

Take them on a mini break away

If your friend is struggling, perhaps they’ve had a death in the family or something else bad happened in their life, you could take them away for a night or two. Taking them away to a new scenery, where you can just enjoy each other’s company and forget about the stresses of everyday life can be a fantastic way to improve their mental health. You could do a spa break where you can have a pamper, or perhaps a hot tub lodge in the countryside somewhere, steeped in nature. 

Encourage them to talk to a professional

If they have tried the above but it isn’t working, or if it is but you feel they need a little extra help, it can be worth encouraging your friend to speak to a professional. A professional is there to offer their services through listening and teaching them techniques for them to deal with situations that might arise. You can look up local services to help out with this and it’s a good idea to read reviews on Google or other search engines, or perhaps ask for recommendations from the local community to find the best one to help your friend in their time of need. 

These are just a few things you can do that can help out a friend who might be struggling with their mental health. Mental health can be as demeaning and demoralizing to someone as if they have something with their physical health, but it isn’t always recognized this way. It’s important as a good friend that you offer them support and encouragement, particularly if they open up and become vulnerable with you. What are some top tips you have for helping a friend who might be struggling with their mental health? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you.

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