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How To Take Care Of Your Beloved Bearded Dragon

Owning a bearded dragon will get you many years of curiosity and joy. They are incredible reptiles, and what’s better is that they make excellent pets. They are generally amusing and curious and more so, they’re just as interesting and caring as a dog or cat. But the truth is that; it’s not a common thing to own a dragon, and knowing how to start caring for your bearded dragon might be challenging due to the fact of how uncommon they are. So it’s a terrific step in the right direction to understand everything you can about proper bearded dragon care.

One word of warning if you’ve never purchased a bearded dragon yet, then you shouldn’t buy one from a chain pet store. And the reason is that they’re famous for procuring their reptiles from badly sanitized farms. And even worse, the part-time workers do not have the reasonable training to care for them either. In addition to looking for a bearded dragon, going forward, you’ll get some excellent care tips to get any beginner started.

How You Can Take Care of Your Beloved Bearded Dragon Well Enough

If you’re thinking of buying a bearded dragon, it’s good you remember that they need love, care, and attention. Like with any pets, it shouldn’t be overlooked. And you should name your beardie and invest a lot of time in your pet. More so, ensure they get the exact percentage of attention and mental incitement from you.

Invest in a Good Vivarium for Your Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons require a highly specific environment to be comfortable, in more light, you mustn’t skimp when purchasing a vivarium. According to the RSPCA, the smallest size for one adult dragon is 120 cm long by 60 cm tall and 60 cm wide. You can select either a plastic vivarium or a wooden vivarium. The plastic vivarium is easier to clean, and it indicates the light well inside the tank. You need not worry about starting with a huge vivarium if you own a baby dragon, as they grow rapidly. You can fill it with lots of accessories, such as wood.

More so, It needs to be secure, well ventilated, and have both a cool and a hot end to mimic its natural habitat. Between 22 and 26 °C is suggested for the cooler end and 38 and 42 °C is suggested for the hotter side. The vivarium should also have shaded and bright areas. A UV tube light is also needed at 10-12% in the hotter part of the vivarium, and this is to guarantee your bearded dragon stays healthy. Without a UV tube light, they could formulate metabolic bone disease that might considerably shorten their lifespan.

Switch the Lights Off at Night

Switching off the lamps at nighttime will help your beardie understand or realize the cycle of night and day. Nonetheless, in their natural environment, they usually stay warm at night. Although it’s not for your dragon to stay hot at night, if your house gets very chilly, it’s worth spending your money on purchasing a ceramic heat emitter that emits just heat and no light. Use a thermometer to scale the temperature in the vivarium and then modify it accordingly.

Feed Your Bearded Dragon a Varied Diet

To provide your bearded dragon with the best care, guaranteeing they get a mixed diet of the right water and food is necessary to their happiness and overall health. Bearded dragons are omnivores, meaning they’re satisfied with a diet of vegetables and insects. Brown crickets are a basic on the menu and dragons find them simple to catch and eat. 

If you wish to treat your lizard well enough, then try cockroaches, wax worms or mealworms, for something a little meatier. Bearded dragons also like leafy greens; colorful vegetables that include peppers and carrots, and kale. Grating vegetables can give them several textures. 

Avoid feeding them acidic foods such as onions, because these foods can cause stomach upset. More so, put a big bowl of water in their vivarium. Both water and food should be kept on the cold side of the tank.

Give Your Bearded Dragon Enough Vitamins

Bearded dragons need vitamins and minerals in their food, you can also drizzle vitamin powders on their food to strengthen their diet. Your dragon needs vitamin D3 to utilize the calcium they get efficiently. Moreover, they can get a lot of their vitamin D from UVB light, which is a prerequisite in your bearded dragon’s vivarium.

Finally, you shouldn’t overcrowd your bearded dragon; they are solitary reptiles, and they want a lot of space. This is why it’s vital to give them a large tank when they’re young and be sure to eliminate accessories when they grow up, so they have sufficient space to move around.

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