This post was intended to publish on the 12th.
For the past week, Greg and I have been sick and veggin’ out trying not to drip and sneeze all over Jayden. It’s kinda hard to do… I rarely get sick like once every, I dunno 5 years? But this one was brought on by a certain hubby who refuses to cover his head in the cold. The same hubby who got a new hat for Christmas. So he got sick and passed it on to me. It actually came right on time. Say wha? I needed some days where I could just lay around without worrying about work. One day, I even slept the whole day away because I was in such a sleepy fog. It felt kind of nice to be out for the count.
I feel like jerk àla ditz for not realizing that football season was coming to an end when it did. Boboli sent me a cool football pizza crust to try and while the crust was oh-so-yummy, my mission was a complete fail. The first crust they sent, I forgot to freeze, so it expired and the second, well I’m posting about it AFTER football season. #FAIL #FAIL #FAIL
This was my first time making pizza (almost) from scratch and it was really good! So much so that I want to make them on a consistent basis. I spread a traditional tomato sauce on the crust, followed by crushed garlic, then mozzarella cheese, green onions, green peppers, pepperoni, and more mozzarella cheese. YUM!
The DC jack on my laptop has been giving me problems. I’m waiting to send it in for repair. I haven’t been on Skype in ages and I feel disconnected. I’ve been using our PC, but it needs to be reformatted because Skype won’t work. It’s a firewall problem that I just can’t seem to fix. I did once and got it working, but it won’t work anymore. It’s about time we reformat anyway because it’s been a few years.
I guess I should jump on the snowmaggeddon bandwagon and post some photos of the bitter, cold, and fluffy monstrosity Winter Wonderland that is our backyard.
I won’t because I can’t edit them right now. I have to transfer my editing tools over to the PC, first. I figured if I waited until I finally had the photos edited and uploaded, this post would have been in queue another week. And I’m sick of having all these posts sitting in drafts because I couldn’t finish them for whatever reason.
The snow is melting now and I’m so happy. You ever woke up and the sun was shining so bright and for a moment you thought it was spring? That’s been happening to me a lot lately. I am so ready to smell the rain and fresh cut grass wisping through my window.
Greg and I have been enjoying a weekend kidfree. We get so much done when we’re not having to wrangle a toddler all day long. Shh, you hear that?
What’s going on with you?
brooke campbell
Saturday 26th of February 2011
I don't think cooking up a delicious football crust pizza after football season is a complete fail. My boyfriend would flip if I tried that... In fact you just gave me some good ideas to score some extra points :)
Jen Green
Thursday 24th of February 2011
I concur! Pizza from (almost) scratch is awesome. And kid free days are a blessing in efficiency. Take care of yourself and enjoy the sleepy days!
Monday 21st of February 2011
Tuesday 22nd of February 2011
I should get a recipe going for our new blog if recipes are game ;).
Monday 21st of February 2011
Love your new layout ;)
Monday 21st of February 2011
@Jenny Thanks!!
Thursday 17th of February 2011
Ah, I wish I could've gotten a football shaped pizza for the Super Bowl. Maybe there wouldn't have been as many leftovers as the massive square one the guys bought (seriously, the box would not fit in the fridge). We did have little football cakes that were pretty awesome though.
I kind of fail at making homemade pizza though. (Where's Papa Murphy's take and bake when I need them?) I might try again soon though, your version looks so much simpler to attempt than the recipe I tried to follow.