Fresh air, sunlight, a chance to run around, and the opportunity to interact with nature. We all know these as the benefits of getting the kids out into the garden. However, actually prizing them away from their consoles and phones and outside is an entirely different matter. Luckily, you can make this task much easier by creating a garden space that is specially designed and customized for your little ones. A topic you can get some smart suggestions on in my post below.
First off, before you start to add anything to your garden to make it appealing to the kids, it’s worth assessing what you already have in term of space and resources, as there are elements that you will already be able to use. In fact, one of the most common resources in a backyard is a lawn, which is just a large patch of grass. The thing about lawns is that they can provide a perfect space for the kids to run around and let off some steam, or to hold a tea party, while still being an attractive part of the garden.
Of course, for you to encourage them to spend more time playing on the lawn, you will need to look after it and ensure it is in the best condition possible.
This is something that using an organic lawn care service can help you achieve. In fact, by using a service that is organic and kid safe, you can not only produce a great looking lawn, and get the kids out of the house more often, but you know that their wellbeing will be protected as they are doing it too.
Wendy House
When it comes to adding elements to your garden to make it more appealing to the little ones you can’t get much better than installing a Wendy house, as they are sure to want to spend as much time in a and around it as possible.
Happily, playhouses are available in many different types and price points. Therefore if you are looking for something that can be taken up and down quickly and doesn’t cost a fortune, why not go for a Wendy house that can pop up like a tent?
Alternatively, you may want something that is a bit longer lasting and robust, and if that is the case, then you can buy some quite charming versions made from wood. You could even have a go at DYing one yourself if you were feeling in a creative mood!
Vegetable Patch
Lastly, if you want to encourage the kids to get out in the garden each and every day then why not get them to sow some vegetables from seed?
Then not only will they be learning about healthy food and how things grow, but they will also be motivated to be outside every day to water and tend their plants! Something that can really help them to get into the healthy habit of spending regular time in the garden.