I have a love/hate relationship with my skin. I’ve had sensitive skin since I was a little girl. I’ve been allergic to Nickel, mosquitoes (my bites swell bad), and grass (or what it’s treated with) for as long as I can remember. As I got older, I became prone to heat rash. As a teen I had very mild face breakouts, nothing bad. Around 18, I started getting bacne and I started to randomly break out in hives around my eyes, cheeks and neck. The hives all started after wearing a new jacket with a wool collar. Since then, I get hives when I’m suddenly overheated and come into contact with strong smells and random elements, or if my skin gets too dry. Enter birthing a baby and now my face is acne prone… but my back is fine.
So when I’m treating the hives, I have to keep my skin extra moisturized and I have to leave the acne alone until the hives are gone. When treating the acne, I have to be cautious about what I use so that my skin doesn’t dry out and break out into hives. Love. Hate.
So I’ve finally gotten into a skincare regimen that works for me.
The Regimen by Acne.org
As a teen, I used Proactiv and I really didn’t need it. It started to dry my skin out and when I stopped using it, I experienced breakouts. The acne.org line only puts benzol peroxide in the treatment and eliminates the use of toner so that it isn’t so harsh on the skin. The moisturizer is very gentle and leaves my face feeling moisturized and not “greasy”. A little of each product goes a long way. I cancelled my next shipment because I still have so much product left in each bottle. I realize there are some “questionable” ingredients in these products. They work for now and I won’t switch until I find a more natural alternative that actually works. I think I may have found something, I’ll share my results if I decide to use it.
St.Ives Apricot Scrub
I’ve used St.Ives products for years and not up until recently noticed that their whole line of products is Paraben-free. The apricot scrub is gentle and the beads really do scrub the dead skin. I combine this with the acne.org face wash to make sure my face is free of any dead skin.
This brings me to the new product that I’m trying out.
Olay Pro-X
The Olay Pro-X is said to compare with premium systems sold by the big guys. I personally haven’t tried any other cleansing devices, so I couldn’t compare the two. From my experience with the Olay Pro-X, I can say that it’s a nice device for under $30. The cleansing brush spins in two different speeds to gently cleanse the skin. I prefer the faster speed. Although I have sensitive skin, I prefer something a tad more abrasive (in a non damaging way). The AA battery powered Olay Pro-X is waterproof, so I can leave it in the shower, which is a plus. It came with its own ex foliating cleanser, but I prefer to use it with my acne.org/apricot scrub mixture. I’m not sure if I’d use the Olay Pro-X every day because I’m kind of impatient and can wash my face faster with a little more pressure using my hands.
So, these are some products that I’m using on my face at the moment. Yes, I didn’t mention an SPF because I am guilty of forgetting to use it. If I do put some on, it’s the 35 from Episencial. I’ll get better.
What are some of your favorite skincare products?
I am a voluntary participant in the Walmart Moms program. Walmart has provided me with compensation to share my experience with the Olay Pro-X with you. All opinions (if expressed) are my own.
Saturday 10th of December 2011
Google "Oil Cleansing Method" -- it is amazing!
Stacie@ The Coupon Sista
Wednesday 13th of April 2011
I know how you feel. My skin is so sensitive that it's hard for me to try new things without breaking out.
Wednesday 13th of April 2011
I've seen that Olay Pro-X and want to try it!! Granted, I am head over heels in love with my Clarisonic but it would be great to have another option for traveling. Anything by St. Ives is wonderful!!! Especially now that they are paraben/phthalates free. Weee!!! And you aren't alone, sister. I have skincare issues too. *le sigh*
Wednesday 13th of April 2011
I have been an Olay girl for many years and it has served me well. I have been pretty blessed with great skin despite my age spots. I use the Olay make-up remover wipes followed by the anti-aging face wash and then the moisturizer with SPF 15. My face feels like a baby's bottom. I would love the device you are using and maybe if I get a coupon combines with a sale I would buy it. You can't go wrong with Olay!