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Organizing Tips For a Smooth Back to School Season

Thanks to Office Depot for sponsoring this post.

Back to School season is near and it’s time to get organized to prepare for the season ahead. Having a place for essentials that are easily accessible is key to having a smooth school year. Organizing is definitely not my strong suit, but there are a few projects and hacks that I’ve implemented in our home that have helped us tremendously. I couldn’t imagine how things would be if we didn’t have these. Still, there are some areas we definitely need to improve on.

Today, I want to share those projects all in one place plus some new items I picked up at Office Depot for this school year.

Command Center

The command center was the best project I’ve done to stay organized with the school flow. It was so necessary and it has evolved over the years. A year ago, I added a bookcase where we keep craft supplies, books, and the portable homework station. This year, I added a wall file and pocket system from Office Depot’s See Jane Work collection to our bulletin board. I designated this system for the papers from school and mail that keep making their way onto our kitchen table. The pileup drives me mad, so this is the solution. It’s also nice to have a central spot for phones and pens.

I also picked up a 12-pack of Sharpies, as they are essential for school projects and everyday labeling. Freezer meals, anyone?

Portable Homework Station

In our bookcase, we have a galvanized bin that Jayden can grab and take to the kitchen table or room of his choice to do his homework. Since we live in a small space, this was the best way we could keep all of his supplies together in one spot without his siblings getting to them.

Clothing Organization

With two boys sharing a dresser, I needed to divvy it up in a way that works best for their clothes. They each have one drawer to themselves and they share one drawer for PJ’s and another for underwear and socks. I divided their socks and underwear drawer using four plastic shoe boxes so that they each have one box for undies and one for socks. As simple as this little hack was, it still makes me proud.

Baby Shower Backdrops

Family Binder (In Progress) & Note Taking

Despite having some nifty systems, we still need a better solution to organizing paper. For those papers that we need to quickly grab without having to go into our heavy file box, a binder makes perfect sense. I grabbed the cutest tropical palm binder from Office Depot. I couldn’t resist the matching composition notebooks for writing out my to-do lists. I also grabbed some reinforced filler paper and a glitter 2-pocket folder for papers in transition like bills.

These are all great items to grab as you shop for the back-to-school season. Definitely check out items from Office Depot’s Divoga collections. They have some really cute items for everyone from tweens to – young adults! I hope you enjoyed these organizing tips! How are you getting ready for the back-to-school season? Do you have any hacks that help make the season run more smoothly?

Amy Desrosiers

Thursday 3rd of August 2017

Now that I am going to have my own office, I totally need a command center to keep all my stuff straight.

My Teen Guide

Thursday 3rd of August 2017

I love getting my office and school supplies from Office Depot. Their pricing is very affordable too. I will copy the idea of setting up a command center. That would really keep thing more organized in this house.

the cubicle chick

Wednesday 2nd of August 2017

These are wonderful ideas for back to school! Brilliant!


Wednesday 2nd of August 2017

It's always tough adjusting back to the school grind. These will certainly help get work done and then get out the door in the mornings.

Annemarie LeBlanc

Wednesday 2nd of August 2017

I like the sound of that "Command Center." Even if I do not have small kids anymore, I still feel the need to have one like that at home to make my day go as smooth as possible. Thanks for the idea.

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