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Potty Training

So the time has come for us to start actively potty training our little guy. He’s ripping the diapers off and sitting in the potty. He’s been wiping himself and throwing toilet paper in the toilet since he was about 15 months. He knows his body part pretty well, especially his ooo booty. We keep the potty out in the living room, but he never goes in it. We tell him, “Go pee pee in the potty.” He’ll sit down, hop off, and minutes later he’s going on the floor!

My mother said I potty trained fairly easy before I was 2. One day she looked up and I had gone numero dos in the toilet! I do realize boys are different and I’m willing to accept that challenge. We’ve reviewed The Potty Tots system when Jay was younger. I think it is great for older children. Jayden’s unpredictable attention span just can’t handle it right now. I honestly think he’ll train before being able to understand story lines and reward charts. We’re thinking about getting him something like this. Sometimes kids want the real thing. They want to be just like mommy and daddy, so maybe if we put him directly on the toilet, he’ll be more likely to go.

Have you gotten your potty training degree? What worked for your kiddos?

Lynne Sherk

Wednesday 8th of December 2010

I am your new fan :)


Sunday 2nd of May 2010

We're just waiting for our eco potty to arrive in the post hopefully this week then we'll be starting - my LO is only 7 months, but they say cloth babies learn faster, so here's hoping! Good luck to you! .-= Luschka´s last blog ..By: Luschka =-.


Thursday 22nd of April 2010

Omg they grow up so fast! We plan on next year starting a family after the wedding. Can't wait for my own experiences! .-= Thea´s last blog ..Whoaaaaa…. =-.


Thursday 22nd of April 2010

We love our BabyBjorn potty chair and toilet trainer. Both are durable, easy to clean, and unostentatious.

Also - Here's a link to our "potty training story" with our oldest (if you're interested): :)


Wednesday 21st of April 2010

My husband does all the potty training in our house. I usually end up in tears, or bribing the child. Brooklyn seemed to be ready. Yesterday, I decided that I would go at it alone. Not pretty. She took off all her clothes, ran out of the bathroom shouting..."ME NEKID! ME NEKID! SEE?" Sigh.

Hugs and Mocha, Stesha .-= Stesha´s last blog ..Project iPhoto 365: 23/365 – Lovely =-.

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