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Snow To Speak


This Winter has been full of uninvited snow. We’ve had a few major snow storms – even a blizzard here in the Snowbelt. No surprise, right? People around the states, even those less affected dubbed the blizzard Snowmaggedon 2011. You know when folks from the south get snow, they panic and the whole city shuts down, lol. Nearby, people were abandoning their cars (900 or so) on Lakeshore drive, walking on skis, and stealing shovels. Craziness.

Snow Fluff

Here at home, Daddy and I didn’t want you to miss out on your childhood. We wanted to give you an opportunity to play as long as you wanted in the fluffy goodness. But we also didn’t want you getting sick either. So we made it a routine to bring snow into the house (even at night) to keep you busy, warm, and healthy.


The buckets of snow lunged into your train table entertained you for hours. There were some occasions where you stripped down and tried to “takey bath” in your table of snow. I sure wish I had gotten the camera, but I was too concerned about you freezing your goodies off! Eh, maybe next year.

19/365: Who's the cool mom now?

Were we cool parents or what?

Friday ♥ Letters


Sunday 13th of March 2011

THEE coolest! :-)


Tuesday 15th of March 2011



Saturday 12th of March 2011

That is a really good idea Sheena? I let my Kayla ride her scooter in the house if the weather is bad. I also let her jump rope in the living room if it is raining. I even let them bounce balls in the house. Some people scoff at me but if it makes them happy I am ok with with. It's thier home too. It doesn't hurt that my house has been 100% kid friendly since 1994!


Tuesday 15th of March 2011

Same here! There are no big restrictions in our house. Our next place MUST have a basement, though. Then, Jayden can make all the mess he wants with little monitoring, lol.

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