This is a sponsored post; while the views expressed here were genuinely mine, I received compensation from Farm Rich to share this recipe.
Sunday nights are great family nights. For most of us, the weekend days are spent taxiing our kids to their various sporting activities; or tragically, doing chores and other things we don’t have time to tackle during the week. Kids spend Friday and Saturday nights with their friends. Hopefully you are squeezing in a date night. But Sunday nights are great for huddling the family around the TV and bonding over some smack-talkin’, bone-crushing, TD dancin’ FOOTBALL!
And you don’t need to be a super-fan to make this work. It’s all of the stuff that surrounds the game that’s fun for the family. Getting decked out in team colors and logos; side bets on who scores first, who fumbles first, etc., using stakes like chores or privileges.
And of course, the FOOD! Having your own “TV Room Tailgate Party” is a blast. But don’t just open a bag o’ chips and a jar of salsa. Try some fun, new recipes each week. The folks at Farm Rich are providing some awesome, Game Day Snack Hacks all season long. Check out so you can keep your team well-nourished for their games.
Here’s this week’s recipe:
Mozzarella Sticks with Spicy and Sweet Honey Mustard Dipping Sauce
Just remember, the most important team your kids will ever play on is your Family Team.