Photo by Taryn Elliott from Pexels
You may have heard this phrase a million times, “the cure is in the cupboard,” but are you actively using things you already cook or even clean with to help you when you’re feeling stressed, tired, or under the weather? Often, those emergency trips to pharmacies are unnecessary, and we’re going to talk about why. You may even have yourself already wondering how you’re going to stay fit and safe this winter – guess what? You’ve got most of what you need already at home.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar – ACV for short – has a multitude of uses. Have you ever left your laundry in the washer longer than you should have? Add a few tablespoons of ACV to your wash cycle and re-run the load. You’ll be able to banish that musty smell, and your clothes may have some stains lifted too! If you’re dealing with female issues “down there,” taking a soak in a lukewarm bath with a cup or so of apple cider vinegar will eliminate any itching or unpleasant odors.
Additionally, a lot of people swear that it aids in weight loss. Proponents of using ACV (just a tiny capful before eating) say it aids in satiating hunger and aids in burning fat. So, for any of the above reasons, keep some on hand.
Ginger Root
Whether you keep fresh Ginger root on hand in your refrigerator or powder form along with spices, Ginger has some excellent health benefits. If you are a frequent headache sufferer, make ginger root tea to combat the headache. Even better, you can stave it off by consuming the tea before it becomes too bad. Ginger is also fantastic at keeping your breath fresh and great tasting. Are you dealing with morning sickness or nausea in general? Fresh Ginger is excellent for that! Most health food stores sell cubed Ginger coated in a little bit of sugar to take the edge off the spicy taste – keep some on hand. A lot of people eat it like candy too!
The Ice Is Right
It seems like a no-brainer, right? But, most of us have ice in our freezers. Next time you’ve got a severe headache or menstrual cramps coming on, reach for the ice. We all know that ice also helps for any bruising and swelling instances post-injury. It’s also a great way to soothe sore muscles due to workouts or inflammation. Of course, if you’re in a lot of pain, you could also use a CBD muscle recovery balm on top of the ice for maximum relief!
We all love this spice for cooking a variety of dishes, but it also has a myriad of healing properties. In fact, it’s best known for asthma, aching muscles, relieving diarrhea, and so much more. Other things you can use oregano for are boosting immunity (especially if you’re using oregano oil as a tincture) and fighting bacteria. Oregano can even help regulate blood sugar! It’s truly a magical herb, so if you don’t typically keep it on hand, you should change that as soon as possible!
Turmeric Touts A Lot!
Most of us know about turmeric and how beneficial it is to our overall health. On top of its ability to fight pain and inflammation! You want to consume turmeric to help with pain and inflammation issues, but be careful – it stains very easily, so it’s best to buy it in powder form. It’s great to keep in the cupboard to add to sauces and smoothies – and make sure you’re adding black pepper to it to really activate its healing properties!
Magical Mint
Mint is fantastic for nausea as well as pain. The great thing about mint is that you can grow it indoors year-round or grow it outside in your garden. It is an invasive herb, so be aware that it will take over whatever area you decide to plant in, so if you want an abundance of mint, leave it unchecked. Not to mention that it helps with nausea and pain; you can chew it as a natural breath freshener as well. Additionally, it makes a beautiful garnish to virtually any dish!
There are many other natural cures in your cupboard for sure; all you need to do is take a look around, do a little research online or at the library and get going. Some people prefer to take a natural approach before resorting to pharmaceuticals, so hopefully, this list inspired you a little bit. Here’s to your health!