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Tips for Finding the Right Contractor

Things happen. A nasty storm may have done damage to your roof, and now you need a new one. Or maybe it’s just been a long time since you’ve had your house and the need for a new roof is finally showing. One of the hardest parts about figuring out how to come about your new roof is going to be finding the right roofing contractor. Consider these tips to help you ensure that you find the right contractor for the job and one who’s going to do the job well.

Look Local

Probably the most trustworthy option you can go with is to look for contractors in your area. Local contractors will have a relationship with the community, suppliers, and work-crews. They may have possibly served one of your friends or neighbors too. A local contractor will also be familiar with the rules and regulations specific to your area and your home improvement project, so you’ll be getting a safe job done.

Picking a local contractor will minimize the risk of being scammed by a company with which you aren’t familiar. You’ll also be able to maximize the number of first-hand accounts you can gather to help you gauge which contractor may be best for you.

Make Sure They’re Licensed

A proper contractor should have all their paperwork in order. Not only should they be able to show that they are a licensed contractor, but said contractor should be authorized to install and have a permit for whichever task they need to take on.

Safety should also be a priority for the contractor of your choosing. They should have safety training and be insured to cover their employees, should they hurt themselves on the job. If a contractor misses any of these, it would be smarter to search for someone who ticks all the boxes.

Choose Someone Experienced

Experience speaks for itself, so make it a priority when choosing a contractor. For example, consider finding a residential roofer with commercial roofing experience. The more experienced they are, the better. Look to see how long the company has been in business and do some research on their customer reviews. If they’ve been in business for a while, they’ll have served hundreds, possibly thousands, of customers who gave an account of their experience for others to learn from.

Websites like the Better Business Bureau, Angie’s List, and even Google Reviews can key you in on how well they do their job and how long they’ve been doing it. It’s smart to avoid contractors who have no presence on any other websites besides their home page.

Choose Someone with Options

If a contractor is only going to offer you one style of shingle or fairly standard materials, you deserve to look elsewhere. Look for someone with a broader range of options. The style and color can affect the resale value of your home, and can also affect how happy you are with how the job looks at the end. You don’t want to get stuck between a small number of options that are just “okay.”

It’s also important to note the materials and equipment that the team will be working with while doing the job. Is their gear high-quality? Will the materials they use to prolong the life of your new roof? These are essential things to consider if you don’t want to have to get further repairs in the future.

Stay Out of Trouble

Anyone who claims that you won’t have to pay a deductible, that they can handle your insurance claim, or coerces you into signing a contract before assessing the damage and giving you an estimate is likely a scammer and someone you should stay away from. The contractor you choose should assist you through the process, but not take it on (which, in many cases, is illegal), leave you in the dark, and leave you dealing with the consequences.

A qualified contractor should also be willing to answer any questions before, during, and after the repairs. They should be able to tell you what happens if you’re unhappy with the job, what happens when extra damage unexpectedly pops up, and how their process works.

It is also vital to stay away from contractors who place new shingles over your old ones. This method doesn’t eliminate hidden damage and will only lead you to need more repairs in the future.

If you’re searching for a roofing contractor, do your homework. It never hurts to gather as much knowledge as possible and go into it knowing that you’re in good hands.

Photo by Life Of Pix from Pexels

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