Bacteria is a good thing sometimes. Bacteria in our stomachs break down and digest our food for us. Bacteria is in our intestines, again breaking down food so we can absorb the nutrients from what we eat. Germs are not the same as bacteria but they’re not far from it so it’s easy to confuse them. Our faces are covered in millions of bacteria, which help to fight off infections in the eyes, nose, and mouth. Germs are trying to get in and cause havoc, making our faces swollen, puffy and red. For those that are concerned about their beauty and aging, this is something that will interest you. When we fail to keep good hygiene of our faces, we tend to allow germs to run the show and the wrong kind of bacteria to infect our skin. This can cause things like eczema, spots, blackheads and of course the dreaded acne breakout. So why are our faces so full of bacteria that could turn against us and how can we take care to maintain the correct balance?
It’s a trap!
Our skin is incredible, it knows what to do to keep itself moisturized and lubricated so it can work with our muscles. It releases heat, absorbs water, protects us from the cold and rain and keeps us warm too. It’s so versatile but we tend to treat it as if it were something simple. Our skin secretes natural oils that are made in glands just underneath the skin surface. The oil acts like a moisturizer that stops our skin from cracking, losing water and becoming frail and itchy. However, bacteria gets trapped in the oil itself much like a fly does in tree sap. It has nowhere to go, it’s just stuck on our skin. So over time if we scratch or cut our skin even just a little bit, it will climb in and begin to cause trouble. Pretty soon you’ll have spots and possibly worse because of this. Wash your face with lukewarm or cold water at least twice a day to give your face a new coat of natural oils and get rid of the sitting bacteria.
When things get clogged
The worst nightmare for any woman is that her face will be attacked by acne. Acne is very simple to understand. Dead skin cells and our natural oils clog our hair follicles and before you know it you have a miniature stew of bacteria and germs forming. Big spots of pus form in our skin and it’s quite painful to go through. If you’re in this kind of scenario acne treatment that has a vitamin C serum. You might need to use hyaluronic acid serum if your case is particularly strong. The key is to not pick at your spots as this will damage your skin and leave small dents and potholes. Using a serum you penetrate and essentially dissolve the bacteria out of its little hiding place.
Bacteria can be good for us when it works with our bodies. Too much of it can act in the opposite direction and cause our bodies harm. Wash your face regularly to reset the clock on your natural oils and wash away the trapped bacteria waiting for a way in.