If you’re a mother, especially a working mother, you know how chaotic life can be. With the holidays fast approaching, it can shine a spotlight on areas of our lives where we feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything we need to get done. Add to that the need for self-care and being present with our children. Things can be downright overwhelming. You may already have some plans in place that work for lightening your load. You may even have some easy ways of practicing minimalism in certain areas of your life that make things more manageable. But, have you ever taken a hard look at your home, your relationships, and beyond to see where else you can minimize to make your life easier? Well, this list will help you get started or encourage you to keep up the work if you’ve already started. So, let’s remind ourselves why minimalist motherhood makes life easier.
It Gives You More Time
Why not start with what is arguably the most significant reason minimalism makes life easier for you – it gives you back your time. Time is precious, and life is short; we’ve heard phrases like this our whole lives. Well, if you look around your house and all the things you need to get done like clothing piling up, toys needing to be picked up, even basic household cleaning tasks – you’ll see that a lot of that is more easily controlled when you own less. Less toys, less cleanup; less clothing, less laundry; cleaner spaces, more time. The time can be spent doing those things that are truly necessary, like engaging with your children and making memories. Your kids won’t remember their toys when they grow up; they’ll remember you.
Things Are More Manageable
When you’re a minimalist, you’re likely shopping for items that can be used in multiple ways. If you’re in a minimalist’s kitchen, you’re not likely to find cooking gadgets that are specific to one task. If you’re with a minimalist mother on a coffee date, her convertible backpack is also her purse – you get the idea. That’s not to say that minimalism is a “one size fits all” thing. The idea is to keep what you genuinely use and genuinely love. So, if you have an affinity for makeup, you don’t have to toss it all out. If you are a home chef or a foodie, you may very well have tons of kitchen gadgets. While you don’t need to restrict yourself in every area of your life and home, if you’re mindful of others, it’s perfectly normal to have areas where you own a lot. Your idea of intentional buying and living will be different from the next person’s. But, if you’re conscious of how you spend your money and what you keep in your home, things are infinitely more manageable.
You Can Find Financial Freedom
Speaking of being conscious of how you spend, practical intentional living and minimalism can set you up for major financial success. While some people choose to own less, they can do more – like traveling or significant experiences, you are still saving money by owning less. Think about it, if you’re not a practicing minimalist, you’re likely still doing some traveling and still going for experiences like horseback riding or skydiving. Now, think if you did less impulse buying or stopped buying fast fashion. You would have that much money saved, and vacations wouldn’t be something you had to budget and save for so long for. The financial independence and freedom that mindful living brings are worth it alone.
The Trickle-Down Effect
One of the most remarkable aspects of minimalist living is it generally starts trickling down to other aspects of your life and home. You’ll notice your children are more generous as they get used to donating their toys. You’ll likely become more conscious of the climate issues we’re facing as you learn more about the quality of the products you buy. Many people even adopt healthier eating habits as they continue their minimalist journeys.
While minimalist motherhood may not be for everyone, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s worth a shot to try and give you some time back and ease your stress levels. After all, being a mother is our greatest joy and honor in life, but it’s a lot of work. So, give yourself the gift of being able to slow down and enjoy the ride. Here’s to you!