CBD (also known as cannabidiol) is all the rave right now and it’s no reason why it’s the holy grail product we’ve all been waiting for. After much regulation being a chemical compound of marijuana and hemp plants, CBD oil is now the new nutrient-rich ingredient found in a host of wellness and even beauty products. Got an ailment? You name it, CBD Oil will probably relieve it. CBD is most popular for relieving pain and symptoms of anxiety, but it’s proven to be a game-changer in the beauty industry as well. Dermatologists are seeing the major benefits in CBD from sun protection to healing skin ailments such as acne and eczema. As the uses of CBD Oil continues to rise, I highly recommend incorporating the drug-free ingredient your beauty regime. Here’s why.
CBD Oil As A Strong Antioxidant
CBD is a strong antioxidant; even stronger than vitamin C and vitamin E in fact. Both vitamin C and E help protect collagen, stop DNA damage, and protects the skin from sun damage. By preventing free-radical damage, CBD oil may as able help diminish wrinkles, skin dullness, and redness. CBD is essentially a natural sunscreen and anti-aging product in one.
When buying CBD products online, make sure to check the concentration of CBD in each product. Whether you go to feelnectar.com, or any other online retailer, make sure you’re getting the right amount of CBD. This way you know exactly the strength of your CBD and how much you’re applying to your skin.
CBD Oil As An Anti-inflammatory
Inflammation is the cause of all pesky skin conditions whether it’s acne, dry skin conditions, or wrinkles. CBD is rich with anti-inflammation properties, vitamins A, D, and E, and essential fatty acids. These properties aid in the healing of acne, psoriasis, and eczema. CBD’s anti-inflammatory, as well as analgesic (pain-killing) properties, diminish breakouts by regulating oil production of the sebaceous glands and help soothe the pain that commonly occurs in acne and dry skin conditions.
CBD Oil And Sensitive Skin
CBD oil has been found to soothe the skin significantly; not just pain but sensitive skin as well. CBD’s skin calming and normalizing properties help alleviate sensitive skin issues, including redness. All skin types can be affected by environmental stressors. CBD oil’s soothing properties can help keep the skin in optimum health.
CBD Oil As A Drug-free Botanical Skin Treatment
Acne, eczema, and psoriasis are typically treated with steroids. The anti-inflammatory properties in CBD oil make it possible to treat these conditions without the use of steroids, retinoids, and pain meds. Retinoids tend to cause more inflammation in the form of redness, dryness, and peeling. CBD controls inflammation and reduces pain and swelling which is why the ingredient is making its way into so many face creams, serums, and body lotions.
There you have it, my friends. CBD Oil, the wellness cure-all is taking the world by storm and it’s here to stay… now in your beauty products. CBD skin care products are plentiful and more are launching daily. If you’re curious about CBD and wanting to switch up your skincare routine, give it a try. There’s nothing like nourishing your skin with nature’s finest.
Photo Credits: Daria Shevtsova from Pexels, Caio Cardenas from Pexels